We show what share registries don't
Share registries such as Computershare, Broadridge and AST Trust Company don’t show the full picture of your investments. Automatically track your performance, dividends and tax with Sharesight today.
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See the best portfolio tracker in action
Track investment performance over any period
Calculate the impact of capital gains, dividends and currency fluctuations on your portfolio with the Performance Report. Break down your performance along a range of preset and custom dimensions including country, market, industry and more. Compare how different investments perform within your portfolio and add custom labels to further filter the report.

See your entire dividend history
Import your historical trades, then sit back and watch as your dividend income is automatically tracked – going back up to 20 years.
View share registry information
Sharesight keeps track of which share registry each share you hold is registered to, so that you don’t have to.

Why share registries aren't enough
Think your share registry is providing all the information you need? Think again. Read our detailed guide on what you're missing by relying solely on your registry.
Read share registry article
Don't just take our word for it
Over 400,000+ investors track their investments with Sharesight. Here’s what a few of them have to say:
Track shares from popular share registries

Plans & Pricing
Start by tracking up to 10 holdings for free! Then upgrade to a premium plan at any time to track additional holdings or portfolios, and unlock advanced features. And as a bonus, your Sharesight subscription may be tax deductible. *
EUR per month
billed annually
€9.33 EUR billed monthly
EUR per month
billed annually
€22.67 EUR billed monthly
EUR per month
billed annually
€30.67 EUR billed monthly
Start tracking your performance for free
Track up to 10 holdings.
No credit card needed.
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