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Sharesight allows you to bulk import your historical buy and sell trades directly from Westpac. You can also have your ongoing trades automatically synced to your Sharesight portfolio. Keep reading to learn how.

How to import your historical trades

Note: This only imports your trade history. Once you have imported your history, set up the Trade Confirmation Emails feature to automatically import future trades.

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  1. Log into your Westpac Account.

  2. Navigate to My Portfolio.

  3. Navigate to Holdings & Accounts.

  4. Select the Transactions tab and the enter the date range.

  5. Click Download CSV.

  6. Download your trades.

Once your file is downloaded, you can import it into Sharesight using the following steps
  1. Login to or sign up for Sharesight.

  2. On the ‘Let's get you started with Sharesight’ page, select the ‘Import from a Broker’ tile.

  3. Click on the ‘Westpac’ tile on the ‘Import from a Broker’ page.

  4. Click on 'Choose file' button

  5. Select the file you download from Westpac.

  6. Click 'Upload'

Note: If you have changed brokers and transferred the holdings to Westpac, these trades will not be in the downloaded file and will not be imported into Sharesight. These trades and holdings can be added manually.
  1. The ‘Ready to Import’ page will show an itemised list of all trades imported from your Westpac trading account. Verify and edit the trade data as required.

Trades appear under 'Rejected trades' page contains some errors that needs to be fixed, please refer to common errors page on how to fix them.

  1. Once you have verified the trade data, click ‘Finish and Import All’.

  2. Once the trades are saved, your Sharesight portfolio will be populated and the Portfolio Overview Page will load.

Your holdings will be calculated by Sharesight’s performance calculation methodology, which is a money-weighted return methodology, meaning the performance figures take account of the size and timing of cash flows.

Sharesight will automatically create dividends and corporate actions for the holdings you have imported.

How to automatically import future trades

You can automatically import your ongoing Westpac trades using Sharesight's trade confirmation emails feature. Read more about how to forward your contract notes in this guide.

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  1. Login to Westpac Share Trading.

  2. Select My Account > Personal details.

  3. Click Add under Email addresses section

  4. Enter portfolio email address > click Save

  5. Go to My Account > Holdings & Accounts

  6. Select Account Details.

  7. Under Email Confirmations section, tick portfolio email address under Copy (Up to 5 Copies)

  8. Save preference

Now that you have populated your portfolio we recommend you:

  1. Review the trades imported:

a. Handle any negative holdings - Holdings with less buy trades than sell trades (occurs when you have transferred stocks from another broker).

b. Check fractional share trades for rounding differences.

c. Exchange rates are generated by Sharesight using the end of day exchange rate, these can be edited within the trade.

d. Handle any non automated corporate actions such as mergers etc.

  1. Verify and confirm automatically generated data (dividends and corporate actions).

  2. Share access to your portfolio with your accountant.

  3. Add your other investments to Sharesight.

  4. Use Sharesight to help you complete your tax return.