Investment calculator

Estimate how long it will take to achieve your investment goal

Estimated number of years to achieve your goal

8 years and 3 months

Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9

Initial portfolio size

The starting value of your investments when you begin tracking or planning your portfolio's growth.

Annual return

The percentage gain or loss on your investments over a one-year period.

Target portfolio value

The specific amount of money you aim for your investments to reach to meet your financial goals.


A regular deposit of money at chosen frequency you make into your investments to grow your portfolio.

Estimated time to achieve goal

The projected number of years it will take to reach your target portfolio value based on contributions and expected investment returns.


Total increase in portfolio value resulting from investment returns (like dividends, currency and capital gains).

Track your portfolio with Sharesight

Automatically track dividends and distributions for more than 700,000 stocks, ETFs and funds worldwide.

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Track your portfolio with Sharesight
User Interface of Sharesight's portfolio and dividend tracker with graphic highlights over the capital gain, dividends and currency gain return metrics.

Read more about our investment tracker

Sharesight includes everything you need to manage your investment portfolio, and can be tailored to suit your needs.

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We work with all your favourite brokers and apps

Sharesight integrates with hundreds of brokers and finance apps, including Robinhood, Charles Schwab and Interactive Brokers.

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Investors trust Sharesight



Stocks, ETFs & funds supported


Software, broker & partner integrations

Plans & Pricing

Start by tracking up to 10 holdings for free! Then upgrade to a premium plan at any time to track additional holdings or portfolios, and unlock advanced features.




1 Portfolio
10 Holdings
1 Custom group
Limited reporting
Basic support



USD per month
billed annually

$9.33 USD billed monthly

1 Portfolio
30 Holdings
3 Custom groups
Limited reporting
Standard support



USD per month
billed annually

$24 USD billed monthly

4 Portfolios
Unlimited Holdings
5 Custom groups
Advanced reporting
Standard support



USD per month
billed annually

$31 USD billed monthly

10 Portfolios
Unlimited Holdings
10 Custom groups
Full reporting
Priority support

*Prices in USD. Taxes may apply. All paid plans include a one time 7 day free trial.

Don't just take our word for it

Over 400,000+ investors track their investments with Sharesight. Here’s what a few of them have to say: