Tax reports for your investment portfolio
Tax reports built for investors like you. If you trade stocks, ETFs, or even cash, you need Sharesight.
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Investment tax reports
Easily calculate the tax implications of investing across your entire portfolio with Sharesight’s investor reports.
Dividend income tracking
Report income from dividend, distribution and interest payments for all your investments.
Secure portfolio sharing
Share secure portfolio access and tax reports with your accountant to stay on top of your investment portfolio.
Everything you need to calculate tax on your investments
With Sharesight, all your investment portfolio data lives in one place. You also have access to powerful reports that make it easy to calculate tax on your investments throughout the financial year.
Track all your investment income
Report your investment income from dividends, distributions and interest payments with the Taxable Income Report. With historical dividend data going back over 20 years, the report breaks up local (Canadian) and foreign income and can be run at any time, over any time period to help you complete your taxes.

Calculate your capital gains tax
Calculate your capital gains tax on investments with the Capital Gains Tax Report, using the ‘Adjusted Cost Base’ sale allocation method as per Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) rules.

Report on all trades made
Need a complete view of all the trades you made during the financial year? View your trading history using the All Trades Report . Export your investment activity and share it with your accountant or financial advisor to make tax time a breeze.

We work with all your favourite brokers and apps
Sharesight integrates with hundreds of brokers and finance apps, including Questrade, CIBC Investors Edge and RBC Direct.
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Built for Canadian investors
Investors just like you use Sharesight to get all the info they need to report investment income to file tax returns with the CRA.
Tax residency
Set your portfolio currency to Canadian dollars and automatically track currency impacts for any non-Canadian stocks.
CRA tax entities
Choose your portfolio type from a range of CRA tax entities - Non-Registered, RRSP, RRIF, or TFSA.
CA tax year
Set your tax year to match the Canadian financial year ending 31 December, to automate your tax reporting.
Don't just take our word for it
Over 400,000+ investors track their investments with Sharesight. Here’s what a few of them have to say:
Investment tax reporting FAQ
What is capital gains tax?
Capital gains tax (CGT) is a tariff that investors pay on the profit made from selling an investment. In Canada, 50% of the value of any capital gains are taxable, and will be added to your assessable income. Therefore, the amount of tax you pay on capital gains will vary depending on what other sources of income you have and how much you earn. Please refer to the CRA for more information.
How to calculate capital gains tax on investments?
Investors can calculate the capital gains on investments they have sold by calculating the difference between the value of the purchase price (adjusted to include any transaction fees) and the current market value at the point of sale. However, this can be time-consuming and subject to error, especially for investors with a lot of trades.
Canadian investors can automatically calculate the CGT on their investments with Sharesight’s Capital Gains Tax Report, which provides investors with a breakdown of their short-term and long-term capital gains, as well as capital losses.
Do I need to report capital gains on taxes?
If you incur a capital gain (or allowable capital loss) on the sale of an investment, then you will need to report your capital gains/losses in your Canadian income tax return. The exception is for capital gains earned in tax-sheltered accounts such as an RRSP or RRIF (unless a withdrawal is made) or a TFSA. For specific advice on reporting capital gains/losses and whether you need to pay capital gains tax, please refer to the CRA rules.
Are dividends taxable income?
Yes. Dividends are considered taxable income in Canada and must be reported in your income tax return. However, investors may be eligible for a dividend tax credit (for Canadian investments held outside an RRSP, RRIF or TFSA), which will reduce their effective tax rate. Please refer to the CRA for more information about dividend tax credits.
Are ETF distributions taxable income?
Yes. ETF distribution income is considered taxable income in Canada and must be reported in your income tax return. ETF distributions can include various forms of investment income, such as dividends, capital gains, return of capital, reinvested distributions and foreign income, which can create tax complexity. Canadian investors who hold US ETFs may also find their dividends are subject to withholding tax, which can create two levels of tax consideration. Sharesight makes tax time easier for investors by automatically tracking dividends and distributions, including foreign withholding tax components.
How do I calculate taxable income from dividends?
Done manually, calculating taxable income from dividends can be a tedious process, requiring investors to sort through a combination of paper statements and digital statements via multiple share registries. However, Sharesight automates this process by automatically tracking dividends and distributions. Sharesight also makes it easy for investors to calculate the taxable income on their dividends by using Sharesight’s Taxable Income Report. This report displays a portfolio's dividends and interest payments, along with the relevant totals investors need to complete their tax return.
What are unrealised capital gains?
Unrealized capital gains occur when the value of an investment in an investor’s portfolio has increased, however the investor has not sold the investment. This means the gains have not been “realized”. Unrealized capital gains are useful information for investors who want to use tax loss selling (or tax loss harvesting) to minimize their net capital gains during the financial year for tax purposes.
Disclaimer: The above content is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a specific product recommendation, or taxation or financial advice and should not be relied upon as such. While we use reasonable endeavours to keep the information up-to-date, we make no representation that any information is accurate or up-to-date. If you choose to make use of the content on this page, you do so at your own risk. To the extent permitted by law, we do not assume any responsibility or liability arising from or connected with your use or reliance on the content on our site. Please check with your adviser or accountant to obtain the correct advice for your situation.