Track the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) with Sharesight
Using Sharesight, investors can automatically track the price and performance of stocks and ETFs on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), with price and performance updates on a 15 minute delayed basis. This is in addition to Sharesight's support for other US markets including the Nasdaq, NYSE American (AMEX), NYSE ARCA and BATS Exchange (BATS), plus more than 40 other leading global exchanges. This gives investors access to Sharesight’s award-winning performance, dividend tracking and tax reporting features, while allowing them to track all of their investments in one place.
What is the New York Stock Exchange?
Founded in the US in 1792, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is the world’s largest stock market by market capitalisation. The exchange lists a wide variety of US and international stocks, ranging from blue chips to new growth stocks.
Why should investors track their NYSE stocks with Sharesight?
Investors tracking their NYSE stocks with Sharesight can easily monitor the price and performance of their investments across multiple asset classes and brokers – benefiting from Sharesight's 15 minute delayed pricing for the NYSE – or take advantage of Sharesight's advanced performance and tax reporting features built for self-directed investors. Most importantly, Sharesight’s annualised performance calculation methodology gives investors a clear picture of their portfolio’s performance by taking into consideration the impact of brokerage fees, dividends, foreign exchange rates and capital gains when calculating returns.
Track dividends from NYSE stocks
Unlike other portfolio trackers, Sharesight automatically tracks dividend and distribution income, which is included when calculating your portfolio’s returns. As can be seen in the screenshot below, dividends can have a real impact on your returns, which is why your portfolio tracking solution needs to consider more than just capital gains when calculating your performance.
Powerful performance reports designed for investors
Sharesight has a range of powerful reports for investors who want a more detailed breakdown of their portfolio’s performance, such as Performance, Portfolio Diversity, Contribution Analysis and Future Income (upcoming dividends). The screenshot below, for example, shows the Contribution Analysis Report being used to see the relative ‘weight’ of each market in a portfolio. This could be useful for investors looking to compare the performance of their NYSE stocks with the rest of their portfolio, for instance.
How to track NYSE stocks with Sharesight
If you’re not using Sharesight yet, sign up for a FREE account to get started.
Add your holdings to your portfolio by searching for the relevant stock code under the market code NYSE. Alternatively, you can add holdings through Sharesight’s File Importer feature.
Sharesight will automatically fill in the price history and performance valuation for your holdings throughout the day on a 15 minute delayed basis. It will also backfill past dividends (and continue to add new ones as they are announced) – plus factor in the impact of any currency fluctuations on your performance.
Track your investment portfolio with Sharesight
Investing in US stocks on the NYSE or other markets? Sign up for Sharesight so you can:
Track all your investments in one place, including stocks in 36 major global markets, mutual/managed funds, property, and even cryptocurrency
Automatically track your dividend and distribution income from stocks, ETFs and mutual/managed funds
Run powerful reports built for investors, including Performance, Portfolio Diversity, Contribution Analysis and Future Income (upcoming dividends)
Get the true picture of your investment performance, including the impact of brokerage fees, dividends, and capital gains with Sharesight’s annualised performance calculation methodology
Sign up for a FREE Sharesight account and get started tracking your investment performance (and tax) today.
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