Track investments in over 100 currencies
Sharesight now supports over 100 currencies, allowing investors to track FX holdings and hold investments denominated in a vast range of worldwide currencies, with prices updated every 5 minutes (20 minute delayed).
We’ve expanded support to include the full list of currencies tracked by the OpenExchange Rates API – so investors can track investments in the currency of almost any country on earth.
Track over 100 different FX currencies with Sharesight
With this change, investors can now track FX holdings in over 100 currencies, in addition to a range of cryptocurrencies.
Create Sharesight portfolios in even more countries
Sharesight is already used in over 100 countries worldwide, with native support for over 100 global currencies, investors can easily track the impact of foreign exchange rates on on their portfolio performance.
Sharesight is the investor’s passport
Sharesight understands the importance of diversifying your investments internationally. Adding support for even more intraday exchange rates (and now tracking over 40 stock exchanges around the world) is all part of our vision to be the investor’s passport and help you achieve the best investment performance.
Track your global investment portfolio with Sharesight
Thousands of investors like you are already using Sharesight to manage their investment portfolios. What are you waiting for? Sign up and:
Track all of your investments in one place, including stocks, ETFs and managed funds from over 40 global markets, property and even cryptocurrency
Automatically track your dividend and distribution income as well as dividend reinvestment plans (DRPs/DRIPs)
Run powerful reports built for investors, including Performance, Portfolio Diversity, Contribution Analysis, Future Income and Multi-Currency Valuation
See the true picture of your investment performance, including the impact of brokerage fees, dividends, and capital gains with Sharesight’s annualised performance calculation methodology
Sign up for a FREE Sharesight account and get started tracking your investment performance (and tax) today.

Why invest in listed investment companies?
Listed Investment Companies (LICs) offer access to professional fund management, franked income and long-term capital growth. Keep reading to learn more.

Sharesight vs. alternatives: Why investors choose our portfolio tracker
Compare Sharesight to alternative portfolio trackers and see why 500,000+ investors trust Sharesight for smarter portfolio management and tax reporting.

No rush to buy – Big Tech and banks hold the key
No rush to buy — big tech and banks hold the key. The VIX is rising quietly, signalling a shift in sentiment. Will this be a slow bounce or a longer downtrend?