Track foreign currency on Sharesight
Investors can now track foreign currency holdings as an FX currency account in their Sharesight portfolio, with prices updated every 5 minutes (20 minute delayed). We’re using Open Exchange Rates’ API to bring investors intraday foreign exchange rates (in addition to intraday cryptocurrency prices).
Tracking foreign exchange investments in your Sharesight portfolio
Investors have been able to manually track cash investments in Sharesight using the custom investment feature for some time. Sharesight’s new FX account feature is a significant improvement, with intraday price updates at 5 minute intervals, plus the ability to denominate brokerage fees in the currency being traded.
Over 100 global currencies can be tracked using the FX account feature – plus a range of cryptocurrencies – with additional currencies to be added in the future.
Sharesight is your passport for investing
Sharesight understands the importance of diversifying your investments internationally. Adding intraday exchange rates (and now tracking over 40 markets around the world) is all part of our vision to be your “portfolio passport” and help you unlock your true performance potential.
Unlock your investor passport today
- Sign-up for a FREE Sharesight account.
- Add your FX currency holdings to your portfolio(s).
- Sharesight converts the prices and valuations of your holdings from their listed market to your portfolio’s base currency -- automatically!
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Challenging traditional approaches to portfolio construction
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Sharesight product updates – January 2025
Key updates this month include final changes to our drawdown risk report before its full release, as well as expanded broker support.