Top 20 NZX trades by Sharesight users – January 2024
Welcome to the January 2024 edition of Sharesight’s monthly NZX trading snapshot, where we look at the top 20 trades Sharesight users made on the NZX during the month.
In this snapshot, trades were strongly led by Smartshares’ US 500 (NZX: USF) and NZ Top 50 (NZX: FNZ) ETFs. In terms of individual stocks, trades were led by Infratil (NZX: IFT), which has been named as an NZX “stock to watch” this year. Trades were followed by Air NZ (NZX: AIR), which was voted “world’s safest airline” for 2024. It was an ETF-heavy month overall, with 15 of the top 20 trades belonging to ETFs.
Top 20 NZX trades January 2024
Let’s look at the news behind the key stocks in this month’s snapshot:
Infratil Limited (NZX: IFT)
- Analyst names Infratil as “stock to watch” in 2024
- Infratil leads NZX 50 comeback in early January
Air New Zealand (NZX: AIR)
- Air NZ dethrones Qantas as “world’s safest airline” for 2024
- Launches major flight sale confirming industry predictions of lower airfares for 2024
Mainfreight Limited (NZX: MFT)
- Mainfreight stands to benefit from Red Sea shipping disruptions
- Mainfreight to appoint two new directors
Genesis Energy (NZX: GNE)
- Genesis secures financing to build biggest solar farm in NZ
- Genesis accused of negligence at Lake Waikaremoana
- Thousands of Kiwis’ power bills to go up as Genesis increases prices
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