
Sharesight20 top 20 trades in NZX stocks for 2020

by Stephanie Stefanovic, Content Manager, Sharesight | Dec 24th 2020

Each year, Sharesight20 looks back at the top 20 buy and sell trades made by Sharesight users throughout the year. Welcome to the 2020 edition of the Sharesight20NZX snapshot, where we explore the top trades users have made in stocks on the NZX this year, plus the market-moving news behind these stocks.

Sharesight20 top 20 NZX stocks traded in 2020


This yearly Sharesight20NZX snapshot saw the decline of New Zealand’s major airport and aviation stocks, Auckland International Airport (NZX: AIA) and Air New Zealand (NZX: AIR), both of which were heavily traded by Sharesight users. Other popular trades included blue chip stocks a2 Milk (NZX: ATM), Fisher & Paykel Healthcare (NZX: FPH) and Infratil (NZX: IFT), with investors taking advantage of lower-than-usual share prices due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Overall, while the NZX plummeted at the height of New Zealand’s first Coronavirus lockdown in March, the NZX top 50 has buoyed back to reach historic highs – making it one of the best-performing markets of the developed world in 2020.

Let’s look at the news behind the key stocks in this year’s snapshot:

Air New Zealand (NZX: AIR)

Auckland International Airport (NZX: AIA)

a2 Milk (NZX: ATM)

Fisher & Paykel Healthcare (NZX: FPH)

Infratil (NZX: IFT)

Z Energy (NZX: ZEL)

Heartland Group (NZX: HGH)

Meridian Energy (NZX: MEL)

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Disclaimer: The above article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a product recommendation, or taxation or financial advice and should not be relied upon as such. Always check with your financial adviser or accountant to obtain the correct advice for your situation.


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