Latest posts

We don’t know how lucky we are
In his latest thought leadership article, Sharesight co-founder Tony Ryburn muses on how lucky New Zealand investors are when it comes to sharemarket investing.

Big Brother is watching and acting
The Australian Tax Office (ATO) warned this week that more than 40,000 suspect tax returns for FY11 have already been flagged by its computer system.

Importing your portfolio just got easier
We've improved our file importer to make it compatible with a much broader range of spreadsheet files - making portfolio importing that much easier.

Hands up for a Capital Gains Tax
Sharesight co-founder Tony Ryburn shares his thoughts about Capital Gains Tax (CGT) and Sharsight's powerful Foreign Investment Fund (FIF) regime reports.

Sharesight appoints Andrew Bird as Aus Exec Director
We have appointed former Morningstar Australia CEO Andrew Bird as Sharesight’s new Executive Director. He will also manage Sharesight’s Australian operations.

New! Categorise your shares
Learn how to label and categorise your shares within Sharesight's cloud-based share portfolio tracking & reporting system.

Diversity report now available!
A diversity report is now available on the Sharesight - allowing you to view your investments by industry , investment type, market, and country.

Upcoming events
We will be attending some great events in Sydney and Melbourne next week: the Trading and Investing Expo, as well as the Xero Online Solutions Roadshow.

Sharesight has partnered with Direct Broking
Investors can automatically record Direct Broking trades in Sharesight, eliminating the need to manually record trade data each time they buy & sell shares.

International shares + manual entry now available!
Sharesight now supports international shares and investors may now manually enter investments that Sharesight does not cover (unlisted shares, etc).

Report improvements
The latest Sharesight update includes some report improvements to both the Performance Report and the Sold Shares Report.

Investment Outlook by James Cornell
The following article is republished with the permission of James Cornell, author of the excellent Market Analysis newsletter.