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Q&A with Sharesight Alexa Skill developer — Russell Dear
Recently a Senior Developer at Xero reached out to us in a personal capacity to ask whether he could develop an Amazon Alexa Skill for Sharesight using our API.

Sharesight nominated for Investment Innovator of 2018
We are pleased to announce that we have been nominated as the Investment Innovator of the Year 2018 by Fintech Business!

Sharesight adds 17,000 OTC equities and NYSE American market
Sharesight now tracks more than 17,000 Over-The-Counter (OTC) equities and the third largest stock exchange in the USA - the NYSE American market (AMEX).

Investors need to break these 5 bad habits in 2018
Maximise your portfolio performance this year by ditching these small (but impactful) bad investing habits once and for all.

Sharesight20 January top 20 trades on ASX & NZX
In this Sharesight20 we look at the top 20 trades on both the ASX and NZX markets among the Sharesight userbase during January and look at the reasons why.

2018 Sharesight stock picking competition
Today we are launching the new and improved 2018 Sharesight stock picking competition - which you can track using Sharesight's public portfolio.

What ASX moving to blockchain SHOULD mean for investors
Everyone from fintech companies, to brokers, mobile apps, lenders and financial advice professionals would benefit from equal access to ASX's CHESS replacement.

Xero shares listing solely on the ASX - a guide
Xero Limited (XRO) is delisting from the New Zealand Stock Exchange (NXX) to list solely on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) -- Here's the details.

2017 stock picking competition — final results
Time for the final results of the Sharesight & Livewire 2017 stock picking competition. Who achieved the greatest return on their portfolio in 2017?

Student creates mobile app with Sharesight API
We recently had a student (Brett) from Australia’s Deakin University approach us to develop a mobile app for iOS using the Sharesight API for a student project.

2017 Australian investor survey results
In our 2017 stock picking competition survey we asked investors their predictions for 2017 -- Let’s find out how accurate those predictions proved to be.

Sharesight20 December top 20 trades on ASX & NZX
Today is the third installment of the Sharesight20 monthly trading snapshot, where we dig into the news behind the top 20 trades on the ASX and NZX.