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Takeaways from Livewire Live 2018
If you're an Australian investor, have exposure to Australia, or want to see the world from an Australian investor's standpoint, Livewire Live is a great event.

5 ways to get the portfolio insights you need
These Sharesight features allow you to easily analyse your portfolio so you can make informed decisions in the year ahead.

Offset your capital gains by tax loss selling
It's useful to routinely review your portfolio and decide whether you should leverage a tax loss selling strategy to help offset any capital gains.

Get on top of your FY2017-18 corporate actions
Now is the perfect time to ensure any corporate actions you are impacted by are accurately recorded within your Sharesight portfolio.

Road ahead from Banking Royal Commission
Now that the Royal Commission is well under way, there are a few themes that we’ve been following at Sharesight, let's look at the road ahead from here.

Sharesight20 top 20 trades on ASX & NZX - May 2018
Welcome to the May 2018 edition of the Sharesight20 monthly trading snapshot, where we look at the top 20 trades on both the ASX and NZX markets.

How Affluence Funds Management uses Sharesight
Affluence Funds Management uses Sharesight to assist in tracking both the performance and tax positions for managed funds and LICs.

Sharesight wins 3rd at Benzinga Global Fintech Awards
We are pleased to announce that Sharesight has been awarded third place at the 2018 Benzinga Global Fintech Awards held in New York this week.

Track fractional shares with Sharesight
Today we’re pleased to announce that we’ve added fractional share support across those markets that permit trading in fractional quantities.

Open Banking changes in Australia
We welcome the recent Australian Government decision to create a regulated Open Banking system that will allow Australians to unlock their own financial data.

Sharesight is a Benzinga Global Fintech Awards Finalist
Sharesight has been named a finalist in the 2018 Benzinga Global Fintech Awards for Best Financial Advisor or Wealth Management Platform.

Sharesight20 April top 20 trades on ASX & NZX
Welcome to the April 2018 edition of the Sharesight20 monthly trading snapshot, where we look at the top 20 trades on both the ASX and NZX markets.