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Sharesight at Saxo Fintech Agility Conference 2018
Sharesight CEO Doug Morris was invited to sit on the panel discussion on ‘Open Banking in Australia’ at the ‘Saxo Fintech Agility Conference 2018.

Sharesight + Macrovue event: investing in the global economy
The teams from Sharesight and Macrovue joined forces in Sydney for a special “lunch & learn” event to dicuss their views on "investing in the global economy".

Sharesight + myprosperity webinar
Sharesight joined forces with our newest integration partner, myprosperity, to present our first joint webinar on the 21st century financial experience.

Sharesight20 top 20 trades on ASX & NZX - September 2018
Welcome to the September 2018 edition of the Sharesight20 monthly trading snapshot, where we look at the top 20 trades on both the ASX and NZX markets.

2018 Stock Picking Competition September Update
We’re approaching the three quarter point in our 2018 stock picking competition. So nine months in, what stocks are in the lead? And what stocks have tanked?

Investment diversification: Why does it matter?
The popular saying goes “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket”. This is true of investment diversification as is true of everything else in life.

Attribution Managed Investment Trust tax calculations
Australian investors face some new & potentially complex tasks when completing their 2018 ATO Tax Return, particularly if they earn income from managed trusts.

Rebuilding the Performance Report in React
For the past year at Sharesight we’ve put a lot of work into the user experience and modernisation, with a very popular JavaScript library called React.

Sharesight20 top 20 trades on ASX & NZX - August 2018
We look at the top 20 trades on both the ASX and NZX markets among Sharesight users during August, and dig a little deeper into the news behind these trades.

Sharesight at the BDO National Business Services Conference
Sharesight recently had the privilege of attending and sponsoring the 2018 BDO National Business Services Conference on the Gold Coast.

Improved Canadian portfolio benchmarking
Canadian investors, if you haven’t used Sharesight’s benchmarking feature, now’s the time to try it, as we’ve made it even better.

What is a corporate action?
The term “corporate action” might sound dull, but when they occur, corporate actions can have material impacts on your investment performance.