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Aussie Firebug podcast interview with Sharesight CEO
Sharesight user and FIRE investing advocate Aussie Firebug speaks with Sharesight CEO Doug Morris on the Aussie Firebug podcast about performance, tax and FIRE.

Improved portfolio trading cash account tracking
Sharesight's Cash Account feature is now even better, allowing investors to now track their broker trading cash accounts in Sharesight automatically.

8 New Year's resolutions for investors in 2019
If getting your portfolio in order is a resolution for you this year, here are 8 very specific things you can do to help you get there.

TSX-60 sector and stock performance 2013-2018
In this post, we’re examining the returns of stocks in Canada’s TSX-60 index and the corresponding returns for each sector and key stocks in the index.

5 ways to maximise returns in a low-return world
To maximise returns, investors need to be smart about minimising investment costs. Let's explore how you can reduce costs, and maximise returns in 2019:

Help Sharesight with a great investment : education
Executive Chairman & co-founder of Sharesight, Tony Ryburn, shares an update on KES, a school for disadvantaged children he's helping to build in Kenya.

High returns - the market for marijuana
With Canada recently becoming the second country to legalise recreational marijuana, we explore the world of cannabis and the share market.

Diary of a small cap growth investor
Claude Walker from Ethical Equities shares his experience as a small cap growth investor, and looks at his performance over the last two years.

What to look for when buying ETFs
Like most things in life, not all ETFs are created equal. Below Steve Bull from ETF Watch highlights 5 things investors should look out for when buying ETFs.

Five paths to investment diversification
Ensuring that you are adequately diversified helps you ride out the ups and downs of financial markets by spreading your money across different investments.

Issues that could make or break SMSFs in 2019
2019 is going to be a challenging year with several headwinds for SMSFs - according to the speakers at the SMSF association's end of year lunch.

Do demergers & spin-offs create value for shareholders?
Do demergers and spin-offs always create value for shareholders? As with everything in life, it depends and needs to be looked at closely.