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Top20 ASX . V2 (30)

Sharesight20ASX top 20 ASX trades - 2nd March 2020

by David Olsen | Mar 1st 2020

Biotech company CSL Limited was the most traded stock in our Sharesight20 snapshot of top 20 trades on the ASX over the last week among Sharesight users.

Top20 NZX.V2 (25)

Sharesight20NZX top 20 NZX trades - 2nd March 2020

by David Olsen | Mar 1st 2020

Investors took the opportunity to buy Air New Zealand Limited (NZX: AIR) after a significant slide in the airline's stock price due to coronavirus concerns.

Top20 ASX trades February 2020

Sharesight20 top 20 trades on ASX & NZX - February 2020

by David Olsen | Feb 26th 2020

We look at the 20 most traded stocks on both the Australian Securities Exchange and the New Zealand Exchange during February by investors using Sharesight.

Top20 NZX stock trades Feb 24th

Sharesight20NZX top 20 NZX trades - 24th February 2020

by David Olsen | Feb 23rd 2020

Heartland Group Holdings (NZX: HGH) was the most traded stock in our Sharesight20 snapshot of top 20 trades on the NZX among Sharesight users. Click for more:

Top20 ASX trades Feb 24th

Sharesight20ASX top 20 ASX trades - 24th February 2020

by David Olsen | Feb 23rd 2020

Altium Limited (NZX: ALU) was the most traded stock in our Sharesight20 snapshot of top 20 trades on the ASX among Sharesight users. Click for the full list.

Diary of a small cap growth investor - Feb 2020 update

Diary of a small cap growth investor - Feb 2020 update

by Claude Walker | Feb 20th 2020

The last three months have been pretty kind to me. My portfolio has gained 8.8%, which is slightly better than the ASX 200 ETF that I use as a benchmark.

Morningstar Investor Sharesight

Morningstar offers Sharesight to Investor subscribers

by David Olsen | Feb 18th 2020

Sharesight is excited to be working with Morningstar Australasia to bring our award-winning portfolio tracker technology to Morningstar Investor subscribers.

How sharesight calculates your investment performance

How Sharesight calculates your investment performance

by David Olsen | Feb 17th 2020

To calculate your investment performance Sharesight factors in the impact of dividends, currency fluctuations & timing of inflows/outflows on your portfolio.

Top20 NZX trades - week ending Feb 17th

Sharesight20NZX top 20 NZX trades - 17th February 2020

by David Olsen | Feb 16th 2020

This week, Infratil Limited (NZX: IFT) was the most traded non-ETF stock in our Sharesight20 snapshot of top 20 trades on the NZX among Sharesight users.

Top20 ASX trades - week ending Feb 17th

Sharesight20ASX top 20 ASX trades - 17th February 2020

by David Olsen | Feb 16th 2020

In this Sharesight20ASX snapshot of the 20 most trades stocks on the ASX - Zoono Group Ltd (ASX: ZNO) was most traded over the last week by Sharesight users.

Sharesight release notes Januaary 2020

Sharesight release notes - January 2020

by Scott Ryburn | Feb 16th 2020

The Sharesight development team took advantage of the holiday period to perform a variety of backend maintenance and housekeeping tasks in January.

How to track investment property Sharesight

How to track an investment property in Sharesight

by Prashant Mohan | Feb 11th 2020

Sharesight isn't only for tracking stocks, ETFs or mutual funds. Get the full picture of your wealth by tracking your investment property in Sharesight today.