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Sharesight sets sail
The Sharesight team took a breather by heading out onto the Wellington harbour with the support of the Wellington Sailing Academy.

ASX historical data now in Sharesight
Sharesight now has a full 10 years of ASX historic data - meaning investors may track a decade's worth of share price and dividend data for ASX-listed shares.

Using Sharesight is now easier than ever
The tables on the Portfolio and Share Details screens have been enhanced with rollover effects and each row is clickable - making navigating a whole lot easier.

We won't forget you...
As requested, Sharesight now "remembers" your performance criteria - Date Range, and Dollars/Percent selections and automatically loads them on your next visit.

Skip between shares quickly
We've added a 'Next Share' button to the Share Details pages, making it much faster & easier to navigate between each of the Share Details pages in a portfolio.

Sales & Acquisitions Report
Our Sales and Acquisitions report shows opening and closing balances at cost price, and is particularly useful for preparing annual accounts each year.

Painless tax returns with the Taxable Income Report
Our Taxable Income Report takes the pain out of tax time by producing all of the portfolio dividend information you need in just one click.

UI enhancements
Our latest UI enhancements include a growth chart on the Portfolio page as well as an updated look and feel for forms & buttons.

Sharesight preview to be launched this week
We are excited to announce that we will be launching a preview of Sharesight this week - to invited users. Stay tuned for more details!