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Why risk and return is more important than ever for investors
Choosing the right risk profile for your portfolio (and actually sticking to it) can make or break your investment strategy.

Top brokers Aussies use to invest in stocks and ETFs
We take a look at the most popular brokers among Sharesight users in FY23/24, focusing on investments in stocks and ETFs.

Top 4 challenges advisors face in the Great Wealth Transfer
An estimated $68 trillion will transfer from Baby Boomers to their descendants in the next 20-30 years, posing unique challenges for financial advisors.

Generating income with ETFs
Investing in income-focused ETFs can be a good alternative to term deposits, rental properties and stocks, providing diversification while minimising effort.

How to track exchange-traded funds (ETFs)
In this article we discuss the history of ETFs, some of the tax considerations for investors and how you can track the performance of your ETFs with Sharesight.

Going global with ETFs: Strategies for international investing
Australian investors once focused on the ASX, but the success of US tech stocks and rise of international shares ETFs has changed the investing landscape.

Building a multi-asset portfolio with ETFs
ETFs offer a cost-effective, flexible way to access diverse assets, helping investors build portfolios aligned with their risk tolerance and goals.

6 key metrics every dividend investor must track
This blog explains six key metrics that dividend investors should be tracking to achieve success, and how they can be tracked in Sharesight.

Dividends vs. share buybacks: Which is better for investors?
We take a look at dividends and share buybacks, discussing the pros and cons of each, the tax implications and which one is more beneficial for investors.

Capital gains tax made simple: CGT guide for Australian investors
We explain the fundamentals of capital gains tax (CGT) in Australia, how it applies to your investments and how you can calculate your CGT with Sharesight.

Record-keeping requirements for Australian investors
Find out which records the ATO requires Australian investors to keep, and how to stay on top of your investment portfolio record-keeping with Sharesight.

How SMSF trustees can get EOFY-ready
Keep reading to learn more about how Sharesight saves SMSF trustees time and money at tax time, and how trustees can get EOFY-ready with Sharesight.