
Track your ANZ Share Investing portfolio with Sharesight

by Stephanie Stefanovic, Content Manager, Sharesight | Nov 17th 2020

Investors trading with ANZ Share Investing can automatically import historical and ongoing trades to their Sharesight portfolio, making it easier than ever for Australian investors to leverage Sharesight’s award-winning performance, dividend tracking and tax reporting features.

ANZ Share Investing is one of more than 200 global brokers that Sharesight supports. The portfolio tracker provides automatically updated price and dividend information on over 170,000 stocks, ETFs and mutual/managed funds, allowing you to effortlessly track the performance of all of your investments in one place.

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Who is ANZ Share Investing?

ANZ Share Investing is an online brokerage platform owned by ANZ Banking Group, an Australian multinational banking and financial services company founded in 1951. The platform gives investors access to a range of Australian stocks, ETFs and managed funds with brokerage fees starting from $19.95. Investors can also purchase stocks in a variety of global markets such as the New York (NYSE), London Stock (LSE), Tokyo (TSE) and Toronto (TSX) stock exchanges, which are supported by Sharesight. Other features include market news and research, advanced charting tools and SMSF connectivity.

Why you should import your ANZ trades to Sharesight

By importing your trades with ANZ Share Investing to Sharesight, you can easily track your investment performance across multiple brokers and asset classes, or take advantage of Sharesight’s advanced performance and tax reporting designed for the needs of Australian investors.

Unlike the data provided by most brokers, Sharesight gives investors the true picture of their investment performance by taking into account the impact of brokerage fees, dividends and capital gains on their returns. Sharesight also offers a range of powerful reports for investors including Performance, Portfolio Diversity, Contribution Analysis and Future Income (upcoming dividends). The ability to track cash accounts, property and even cryptocurrency is just another reason that investors should consider using Sharesight to track their investment portfolio.

How to import your ANZ trades to Sharesight

Sharesight allows you to easily import your trading history by either connecting directly to your ANZ Share Investing account or uploading a spreadsheet file of trades. You can also automatically import ongoing trades through the Trade Confirmation Emails feature. Keep reading to learn more.

Add historical trades through your ANZ account

The easiest way to build your Sharesight portfolio is to directly import trades from your ANZ Share Investing account to Sharesight. This populates your Sharesight portfolio with historical buy and sell trades straight from your trading account.

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To do this, you will need to enter your ANZ Share Trading login details and choose the trading details you wish to import into Sharesight. Once you have imported your historical trades into Sharesight, you can then automatically keep your portfolio up to date by importing ongoing trades using the Trade Confirmation Emails feature, as mentioned below.

Use Sharesight’s Trade Confirmation Emails feature for ongoing trades

Sharesight’s Trade Confirmation Emails feature is an effortless way to import historical and ongoing trades to a Sharesight portfolio. By simply having your broker’s trade confirmations forwarded to your unique Sharesight email address, all of your trades are synced to your portfolio, inclusive of corporate actions such as dividends, mergers and stock splits, with no effort on your part.

Start tracking your ANZ Share Investing trades with Sharesight

Thousands of Australian investors are already using Sharesight to manage their investment portfolios. What are you waiting for? Sign up and:

Sign up for a FREE Sharesight account and get started tracking your investment performance (and tax) today.

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